There are many sessions where the girl reads a book before she takes a fully clothed swim... But this is because we constantly ask them: what would be your favorite activity if you were alone, near a pool on an afternoon like this? So many of them come up with the same idea, and since we tend to produce what the girls enjoy doing, here is another reading - swimming - reading session for you guys. This time with Patricia.
can we see wet shoes?
Guest (Thursday, September 1, 2022)
Here you are.
Lara (Thursday, September 1, 2022)
Lara, will we ever see you in home slippers? ;)
Ben (Thursday, September 1, 2022)
It can happen ;-)
Lara (Thursday, September 1, 2022)
Heels ruined or survived?
Rit (Friday, September 2, 2022)
wonderfull :)
BENECO (Friday, September 2, 2022)