We have a little target practice here, and the deal was that if the ball got into the mud pit, she would have to go after it and ... stay there for the rest of the session. Since she liked the idea, we ended up with this session. Enjoy watching Babett. Wash-off session included.
Did the clothes survive?
Tny (Sunday, February 4, 2024)
Yes, as I remember all her clothes survived. ;-)
Lara (Sunday, February 4, 2024)
Do you have a picture where she took off her boots and had muddy feet
LC (Saturday, March 2, 2024)
Reply please :)
LC (Sunday, March 3, 2024)
Sadly She didn't take off the boots...
Lara (Monday, March 4, 2024)
Hi, are you thinking about the clothing destruction videos?
I think it has been written here in the past that you will consider these videos. Thanks
sysalal (Friday, March 15, 2024)
Yes, we were and are thinking about it, but the girls used to like their clothes and try to save them, so we need to think more about how to make that happen...
Lara (Saturday, March 16, 2024)
Das ist eines der besten Clips das ich seit Jahren kenne. Macht weiter so und mehr davon (enge Jeans, evtl. weiss, Jeansjacket, T-Shirt ohne BH, Convers und/oder Gummistiefel). Toll wäre es ein Clip in dem es zuerst nass wird, dann Schlamm und dann nochmals nass. Was kosten Auftragsclips bei Euch?
Es gibt kaum mehr Produzenten, welche solche Clips herstellen. Früher waren es noch eewetlook und Donwloaddreams. Aber hier ist so gut wie nichts mehr los!
Mit lieben Grüssen Jeanspeter
Jeanstyp2020 (Wednesday, March 20, 2024)
Vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar, wir versuchen, Ihre Erwartungen zu erfüllen.
Lara (Wednesday, March 20, 2024)
Any picture of her face and hair covered in mud
Je78 (Monday, July 22, 2024)
Here is one.
Lara (Wednesday, July 24, 2024)