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Sunday, February 7, 2021
Bea i really like you , please write me my mail baneco@o2.pl
Beneco (Sunday, February 7, 2021) in reply to:
What is her name? Do you have a picuture of her leggings after finishing the wash-off?
Jeff (Sunday, February 7, 2021)
Very nice!! Tell her we miss her ;)
Zilution (Sunday, February 7, 2021)
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Me too. Do you want to change some videos? ;)
sysalal (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
Thank you for the answer. Maybe create a poll for that? I know I am a fan of ripping clothes, especially jeans, hoodies, tracksuits and leggings.
By the way, do you know how many buttons those jeans had?
Tony (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
Me! :) I buy only clothes ripping videos ;)
sysalal (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
Hello Tony.
Thank you for the feedback... I will pass the suggestion. Since the girls will throw away the clothes I guess it will be feasible to rip some of them or cut some of them.
I wonder how many fans would like to see that.
webmaster (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
No, it was. a rental. She was not married back then.
webmaster (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
There will be one or two - I work on to be remastered in 4k
webmaster (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
We don't usually post extra pics for the sets Bob, unless someone is interested in a certain type of picture and we failed to add that type already among the free pictures.
webmaster (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
Here ar ea few:
webmaster (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
Sadly I don't have a full frontal back picture... I will pass this to the photographer to keep the back in mind for the shootings ;)
webmaster (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
I doubt that... cleaning them, shipping them, finding a way to get the money... it sounds complicated. And then we release the clips sometimes after 3-4 months after the clip have been produced. How a model should know what clothing to keep and what to dump? Most certainly it will not be possible.
webmaster (Saturday, February 6, 2021) in reply to:
Were those single or double/tripple button jeans? Maybe next time you can rip/cut the clohtes you know are ruined anyway.
Tony (Saturday, February 6, 2021)
Is this a private her wedding dress?
Rit (Saturday, February 6, 2021)
I thought no one could be perfect, but Ginger is.
Do you have more unreleashed sets from Ginger?
Zilution (Saturday, February 6, 2021)
Friday, February 5, 2021
Can we have some extra pics please?
Bobby (Friday, February 5, 2021)
Do you have any recomendations for videos with shampoo. I love when a girl get her hair all with shampoo included.
Laranarene1111 (Friday, February 5, 2021)
Rear jeans shot please?
Guest (Friday, February 5, 2021)
Would they consider doing it?
Justin Walton (Friday, February 5, 2021) in reply to: