This was Lara's gift to her fans, which you still watch for free on, but we've uploaded it here as there was a request to download it.
Before you spend your money on the download, please know that the video on will always be free.
Also, please note that the pictures are all, except one, screen captures.
Would you consider going out on your hunting days like photo 4? That half wet, half dry photo looks exquisite and may entice other ladies.....
Plus the squelching of your shoes while walking around would be amazing to listen to
Tara8065 (Wednesday, May 1, 2024)
That would be interesting! :-) Maybe I try in summer close to our actual wetlook place.
Lara (Wednesday, May 1, 2024)
Excellent, summer is only just around the corner.
Tara8065 (Thursday, May 2, 2024)
Gorgeous out outfit. You look great.
Waterboy (Friday, May 3, 2024)
Thank you very much! :-)
Lara (Sunday, May 5, 2024)
May we see a picture of her feet please?
ToxicRus (Monday, May 6, 2024)
Here is a cut from the video. ;-)
Lara (Tuesday, May 7, 2024)
Thank you
ToxicRus (Monday, May 13, 2024)
Lara, another huge compliments to all your good work during the last weeks shown here. Please continue like this...
koelemans (Saturday, May 25, 2024)
Thank you so much dear koelemans! ;-)
Lara (Tuesday, May 28, 2024)
Are you able to wear this purple dress, pantyhose and high heels after getting wet in them? Do you usually have to wash your clothes again to remove salt or chlorine from them after getting wet in a pool? Do your eyes burn and get red after swimming in a pool with clothes on, if the pool has chlorine in it?
gi (Sunday, December 22, 2024)
Sure, I used to wear them of course. I usually wash my clothes after, but not the shoes, I dry them. My eyes are not burning, because the pools don't include that much clorine or salt in it.
Lara (Sunday, December 22, 2024)