Andra is dressed up like she would attend a cocktail party after a Spanish corrida and her black dress look even better when wet.
Enjoy watching her playing in the sea.
Thank you for this information.
It`s a pity that currently no custom videos are available..I would like Andra swimming in pool, wearing exactly this clothes again!
Great preview photos, thank you!
Did she take off the wet shoes during this session?
Thank you!
Jim99 (Wednesday, January 11, 2017)
Hello Jim,
no, she didn't took off the heels during this session.
webmaster (Thursday, January 12, 2017)
Thank you for this information.
It`s a pity that currently no custom videos are available..I would like Andra swimming in pool, wearing exactly this clothes again!
Cheers, Jim
Jim99 (Thursday, January 12, 2017)
Hello Jim,
yes... it's a pity for me too.
webmaster (Friday, January 13, 2017)
Master update I always do like this girl:)
Baneco (Wednesday, January 11, 2017)
Thank you for the feedback :)
webmaster (Thursday, January 12, 2017)
More picture please):)
Pictures (Thursday, January 12, 2017)
you can see herf panties in tights
Tolo (Thursday, January 12, 2017)
Some extra pictures for you guys.
webmaster (Friday, January 13, 2017)
Any chance we could please get a picture of her soaking wet ass? Thank you! Keep up the great work with these updates. A lot of good stuff lately.
SoakingSteve (Saturday, January 21, 2017)
Hello Steve,
here is the best angle I can get for the back fans.
webmaster (Saturday, January 21, 2017)
I enjoy this dress very much. It needs to be covered in slime!!
Guest (Sunday, January 22, 2017)