Melinda is 21 years old and she studies hard to be a nutrition expert some day. Looking at her body (and assuming that she practice her skills on herself) we can clearly see that she is looking to a promising career in her domain.
It was clearly her looks that made me stop her that day (the clothes too) but I sure don't find a tall, pretty, well dressed girl like this every day so I was determined to sell my soul ;) in order to get her tight jeans in our jacuzzi.
Girls like Melinda usually are "rara avis" in a male's life. Cos she is not only has the looks but she also got the brains and a natural decency that really made her a pleasant appearance.
I did not even had to call for Benjamin Franklin's help in her case... she just came with me because I guess she she really liked the idea of being a model for 10 minutes, or maybe she came for another reason which she did not shared with me... The fact is that she ended her afternoon in our bath, getting her leather boots , her tight jeans, leather jacket and even her handbag, totally wet, first under the shower and then in the bathtub.
Enjoy her update.
Perfect girl and outfit, Absolutely love the jacket open with a nice shirt/blouse underneath. Outfit combinations like this are my favorites. Also, Those tight jeans are really sexy ;)
Steve (Thursday, February 21, 2013)
Did she take her boots off ?
Marty (Thursday, February 21, 2013)
Hello Marty,
yes... she did and her white socks look great when wet ;)
webmaster (Thursday, February 21, 2013)
Tell me you got her contact info and will get her muddy soon :)
Guest (Thursday, February 21, 2013)
I got her contact info and we did some shots after this one. NO muddy shots yet tough ;)
webmaster (Thursday, February 21, 2013)
Few extra pictures for the shiny jeans fans.
webmaster (Friday, February 22, 2013)
Could we see toes through the socks ? sheer socks ?
Guest (Friday, February 22, 2013)
They are not sheer, you can can definitely see her toes, they are Thin white liner socks. Awesome.
raVen (Friday, February 22, 2013)
Customers advising each other on the site's blog... VERY NICE.
I don't know about another producers but I can say that I am grateful to have the best customers in the world.
Cheers guys ;)
webmaster (Saturday, February 23, 2013)
Thanks Raven
Guest (Friday, February 22, 2013)
No problem guys, We all gotta stick together and help one another out, and Eurowam has always taken care of me.
Raven (Monday, February 25, 2013)
Thank you Raven for the nice feedback. I will always do my best to take care of my customers.
webmaster (Monday, February 25, 2013)
ankle socks?
Guest (Friday, March 15, 2013)
Normal socks.
webmaster (Friday, March 15, 2013)
a last picture of socks?
Dave (Sunday, October 5, 2014)
You should start a new category named AngelHunter, and include at least Bianca/892c5, Andrea/892c8, Madalina/893c1 and Melinda :)
They are all so very beautiful, and enjoy wetlook so much :)
NsL (Friday, January 2, 2015)
Yes, Melinda is a life saver angel now. She is a paramedic now and don't models anymore :)
webmaster (Saturday, January 3, 2015)