Adrienn is 22 years old and she was "hunted" in a summer day and convinced to mess her tight jeans and denim jacket into our mudpit.
Of course the deal we made was to mess her heels and her hair and face too, so we have a new update with full coverage for you guys... and update you might like a lot if you like to see a beautiful blondie covering herself from head to toe with thick mud and then wash the mud off in the end of the clip.
Thank you very mudch!
WOW (Friday, July 13, 2012)
Few extra pictures for those who want to see Adrienn's heels before they got muddy.
webmaster (Monday, July 16, 2012)
Is this possible to see a picture of her at the end of the wash off when she's wet?
Guest (Monday, June 23, 2014)
For the wash off fans.
webmaster (Monday, June 23, 2014)
Is there a pic of her high heels after the wash off?
Guest (Monday, November 2, 2015)
No there isn't... I'm sorry for that
webmaster (Tuesday, November 3, 2015)
Can we see her wet socks? Wash off photos can't see her pantyhose
asksaga (Friday, April 24, 2020)
Sorry for the late reply ;)
webmaster (Saturday, April 25, 2020)