
The blog's purpose is to have a place where everyone can comment on a video or ask extra questions about an update. A place where customers can share opinions and of course a place to give us your feedback for the stuff you are downloading / watching on the site.
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    Thursday, June 28, 2012

  • Update
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    Few extra pics for the close-up fans.

    webmaster (Thursday, June 28, 2012)

  • No, she kept the shoes on for the whole clip (just yesterday I had a customer searching for clips where the model is not getting off the heels during the clip... this is one of the clips like that.

    webmaster (Thursday, June 28, 2012) in reply to:

    Do we c socks?

    Guest (Thursday, June 28, 2012)

  • Do we c socks?

    Guest (Thursday, June 28, 2012)

  • Update

    Nope... each update on is uploaded only once on the site... there are no duplicate updates, zero.

    webmaster (Thursday, June 28, 2012) in reply to:

    Haven't I seen this set before ? Many months ago !. Still it's worth seeing again.

    redlobster78 (Thursday, June 28, 2012)

  • Update

    Maybe the shoes looks like that because of the water ruined them. BUT I can guarantee that the shoes was not bigger with numbers.

    webmaster (Thursday, June 28, 2012) in reply to:

    Great video, but the shoes are some numbers too looks, as if the little doughter tries to go with mothers large shoes....looks strange...

    Guest (Thursday, June 28, 2012)

  • Update

    Haven't I seen this set before ? Many months ago !. Still it's worth seeing again.

    redlobster78 (Thursday, June 28, 2012)

  • Update

    Great video, but the shoes are some numbers too looks, as if the little doughter tries to go with mothers large shoes....looks strange...

    Guest (Thursday, June 28, 2012)

  • Wednesday, June 27, 2012

  • Thank you very much for the information!

    Guest (Wednesday, June 27, 2012) in reply to:

    Yes, she removes the shoes and the stockings too.

    webmaster (Tuesday, June 26, 2012)

  • Update

    Hello JT,
    you know how it is... we try to please every fan in a way... so for the socks and nylon fans we get the boots/shoes off in most ofthe clips.
    However for the early 200+, 300+, 400+ series 90% of the videos are with girls who keep the shoes on for the whole clip.

    webmaster (Wednesday, June 27, 2012) in reply to:

    I wish there could be more videos where models keep their boots or shoes on the whole clip

    jt (Tuesday, June 12, 2012)

  • Update

    Maybe this summer we will have one or two sessions with muddy brides.

    webmaster (Wednesday, June 27, 2012) in reply to:

    It would be great to see trhis brides in mud pudle,deep mud

    Guest (Saturday, June 9, 2012)

  • Update

    Hello Jack,
    sorry for the late reply on this... I just recovered a bunch of messages from the spam folder and I am trying to catch up.
    Unfortunately we don't have the pantyhose change on camera.

    webmaster (Wednesday, June 27, 2012) in reply to:

    Great Video but unfortunately you can not see how it changes her black nylon socks.
    That was the main reason to buy this update for me.
    It is possible to see a video of it ??

    Jack (Sunday, May 27, 2012)

  • Update

    Yes, the 300+ series are from 2005-2006, she was very young :)

    webmaster (Wednesday, June 27, 2012)

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    Extra pictures for the leather pants fans

    webmaster (Wednesday, June 27, 2012)

  • Update

    Loved this set. Szende is a lovely lady. Love the way her hair looks when it is wet. The white shirt is awesome.

    wtlooklvr (Wednesday, June 27, 2012)

  • Tuesday, June 26, 2012

  • Update
    Extra Picture #2
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    Extra pics for the satin fans.

    webmaster (Tuesday, June 26, 2012)

  • Update

    Sorry for the late reply Jim, she removes the shoes BUT shortly after also the pantyhose.

    webmaster (Tuesday, June 26, 2012) in reply to:

    Great pictures! Please a question: Did she also have to remove her shoes? Thank you!

    Cheers, Jim

    Jim (Saturday, June 23, 2012)

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    Well, so far this is the only one... but maybe in the future I will do more cos she would like to come back for more shootings.

    webmaster (Tuesday, June 26, 2012) in reply to:

    She's very attractive, I hope there's more updates with her :)

    Steve (Wednesday, June 20, 2012)

  • Update

    Yes, she removes the shoes and the stockings too.

    webmaster (Tuesday, June 26, 2012) in reply to:

    @admin: Great preview pics, thank you! Does she remove her shoe? Can we see her stocking feet?

    Guest (Tuesday, June 26, 2012)

  • @admin: Great preview pics, thank you! Does she remove her shoe? Can we see her stocking feet?

    Guest (Tuesday, June 26, 2012)

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    The color of the socks is white.

    webmaster (Tuesday, June 26, 2012) in reply to:

    What colour socks?? :)

    Guest (Saturday, June 23, 2012)

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