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Any of her front of top and face soaked
Guest (Thursday, February 10, 2022)
Lara (Friday, February 11, 2022)
She has socks on?
Guest (Friday, February 11, 2022)
Yes, she has :-)
Lara (Friday, February 11, 2022)
Can we see socks please?
Guest (Saturday, February 12, 2022)
She didn't took off the shoes sadly
Lara (Saturday, February 12, 2022)
Yes please lets see the socks.
Guest (Saturday, February 12, 2022)
Here you are.
Lara (Monday, February 14, 2022)
Thanks for all of uploads btw Left a comment on T1036C7
Guest (Sunday, February 13, 2022)
She’s a beautiful model and probably a kind person aswell
Guest (Friday, March 11, 2022)
Yes, she is a great person! :-)
Lara (Friday, April 22, 2022)
One more picture?
Guest (Thursday, March 17, 2022)
Here i one more.
Lara (Thursday, March 17, 2022)
Does she go into a pool
Guest (Monday, April 18, 2022)
In the begining yes.
Lara (Friday, April 22, 2022)
Did she dive in and in the party 38 does she get face soaked
Guest (Saturday, April 23, 2022)
Hi! As I remember she dived a little in the party.
Lara (Sunday, April 24, 2022)
Does she go into pool in this set and dunk face
Guest (Monday, April 25, 2022)
webmaster (Monday, April 25, 2022)
So is it just a shower session with this set
Guest (Saturday, May 14, 2022)