Very nice. But the socks in the sessions are simply black or white the most times, seldom grey. More colourful socks, perhaps striped ones, would be beautiful
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Any back views of wet hair?
George (Tuesday, January 25, 2022)
Very nice. But the socks in the sessions are simply black or white the most times, seldom grey. More colourful socks, perhaps striped ones, would be beautiful
Guest (Friday, January 28, 2022)
I agree so much!
Guest (Friday, January 28, 2022)
Thank you for suggestions! We'll solve that! :-)
Lara (Saturday, January 29, 2022)
Hi Lara, this young woman is very beautiful did she swim with her coat on.
Katy1234 (Friday, February 25, 2022)
Hi! As I remember she did swim a little.
Lara (Friday, March 4, 2022)