
4k + 1080p + 720p
26 minutes
139 (1600x1200 size) high quality

Price: $10


It was their first mud session, so Gina and Tessa didn't know what to expect. We always told the girls to expect the unexpected, but they said there was no way to expect what they experienced during the session. Wash-off included.


  • What was ruined?, or is it easier to say what survived?

    Tara8065 (Tuesday, September 17, 2024)

    • Tessa's Whole outfit and Gina's leather jacket survived :-)

      Lara (Tuesday, September 17, 2024)

  • Do you have any muddy feet pics of the blond one Tessa please, Thanks ;)

    LC (Tuesday, September 17, 2024)

    • Sadly they didn't take off the shoes.

      Lara (Thursday, September 19, 2024)

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