
4k + 1080p + 720p
10 minutes
104 (1600x1200 size) high quality

Price: $8


Be careful when lending a dress, girls. You never know where it will be worn. Take Kyra, for example. Lara lent her the dress, and the first thing Kyra did was to take a fully clothed bath in it. It's true that Lara was on the other side of the camera... but still.


  • Lara, are you not afraid that Kyra use your dress in one oil show next time ? ? Great video ?

    Pedrom03 (Sunday, August 4, 2024)

    • I'm not afraid, because I don't give it to her if I don't want to... :-D

      Lara (Sunday, September 8, 2024)

  • I guess Lara doesn't mind considering she got the same dress wet in T1097c5 haha

    ajnrules (Saturday, September 7, 2024)

    • Yes, I got wet in it too, but oil... that is an expensive dress! :-)

      Lara (Sunday, September 8, 2024)

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