
4k + 1080p + 720p
21 minutes
106 (1600x1200 size) high quality

Price: $10


The day had dawned overcast, with clouds masking the sun's warmth. Lara was on one of her usual scouting missions. She roamed the streets, always looking for the next participant in her daring water challenge.

Lara has a reputation for spotting beauty in the most unexpected places, and on this particular day, Lara's journey led her to Mira. As they crossed paths, Lara couldn't help but notice Mira's striking beauty and her aura of approachability. The overcast weather seemed to cast a unique charm on the surroundings, setting the stage for an unexpected encounter.

Lara, approached Mira with a friendly smile. She introduced herself, and Mira responded in kind. The conversation flowed effortlessly as they exchanged pleasantries and learned each other's names.

Mira was on her way to buy a swimming pool pass, and this piqued Lara's curiosity. She couldn't resist asking Mira about her plans and ss the conversation unfolded, Mira's interest was piqued by Lara's unique proposition. Lara's charm and persuasive words did their magic, and soon Mira found herself intrigued by the idea of participating in our reality show.

The stage was set for yet another episode of "Wetlook Hunter".
Join us as Mira embarks on an adventure like no other, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary, all with a splash of excitement and a dash of courage from Mira's part.


  • Any chance we can get a pic of her in the outfit all wet shoes in all to hold us over until the video becomes available on the download store. Also did she walk home wet or did she bring a change of clothes

    neilm1270 (Saturday, September 30, 2023)

    • Extra Picture #1
      Extra Picture #1

      She bring a change of clothes.

      Lara (Sunday, October 1, 2023)

      • gotcha, is that a hot tub or just a regular pool

        neilm1270 (Thursday, October 12, 2023)

        • It's a regular pool which has a natural heating system :-)

          Lara (Thursday, October 12, 2023)

  • Wonderfull :)

    BENECO (Thursday, October 19, 2023)

    • Thank you BENECO! :-)

      Lara (Thursday, October 19, 2023)

  • Did she dunk her head underwater ?

    PAhyacintheDraw94 (Friday, October 20, 2023)

    • Sadly she didn't.

      Lara (Friday, October 20, 2023)

  • What a great outfit. I love her shoes!

    funcheezy (Friday, November 24, 2023)

    • Thank you for your comment! ;-)

      Lara (Saturday, November 25, 2023)

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