
1080p + 720p
10 minutes
133 (1600x1200 size) high quality

Price: $8


Madalina got a lot of congratulations for her outfit that day from the ppl who was walking by and even from some fisherman who was trying to catch some fish close to our spot.
To be honest I don't know if the ppl like it her suit because it was wet or just because it looks good anyways...
BUT that is, NOW, less important :)


  • Very, very nice. In a field dominated by jeans and casual clothes it's very refreshing to see much more interesting outfits like this. Please give us more of this type of clothing. Thanks!

    Guest (Saturday, August 29, 2015)

  • She is really cute! Do you have any pic of her feet?? Wether or not she is wearing heels

    Ed (Sunday, August 30, 2015)

    • Extra Picture #1
      Extra Picture #1

      I don't have a close-up on her feet. BUT plenty of nice angles in the video.

      webmaster (Monday, August 31, 2015)

  • id love to run my hands through her slicked wet hair then smash eggs all over her hair

    Guest (Wednesday, December 27, 2017)

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