Alida's office outfit looks just great when she wear it under the shower. She surprised us one afternoon saying that she would like to see how the water looks on her working clothes. Of course... she gladly accepted the modeling fees BUT that is just normal I guess. And it's not the first time we work with her but it's the first time she called us to make a clip.
Anyway... we had her under the shower and as you can see the water seemed to relax her (probably her day was stressful, who knows) so she spent a nice time under the shower and we got it on tape for you.
Did she remove her shoes ?
John (Thursday, January 24, 2013)
Hello John,
no she did not removed her shoes.
webmaster (Thursday, January 24, 2013)
Lovely! Is that a yellow bra Alida's wearing? I hope her shirt turns see-through enough that we get a better look :)
Charlie (Friday, January 25, 2013)
Hello Charlie, yes... the bra looks pretty nice under the seethru shirt
webmaster (Friday, January 25, 2013)
Oh yes! You are right :)
Charlie (Saturday, January 26, 2013)
You have pictures from her backside?
Lv (Monday, April 15, 2013)
I have one extra picture for you
webmaster (Tuesday, April 16, 2013)
Any free wet trousers picture ?
Guest (Monday, December 16, 2013)