The blog's purpose is to have a place where everyone can comment on a video or ask extra questions about an update. A place where customers can share opinions and of course a place to give us your feedback for the stuff you are downloading / watching on the site.
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Saturday, December 7, 2019
Are there socks pictures?
Guest (Saturday, December 7, 2019)
shoe removing ?
Guest (Saturday, December 7, 2019)
Friday, December 6, 2019
What brand are your boots Lara?
I want to get a pair.
Tara (Friday, December 6, 2019) in reply to:
would be great to see more from her in this jacket from behind first dry then wet
Guest (Friday, December 6, 2019)
Thursday, December 5, 2019
What is exactly location of photoset?
Guest (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
Hi! We will do sessions with jackets, and boots too :-)
Lara (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
No, she didn't has a spare of clothes. We dried her clothes as it was out of the question to let her home in those as it was cold.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
Thank you for acknowledging my comment. I love your site, otherwise. The concepts are great.
sachajay (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
There is indeed a better chance. I will pass the request to the shooting crew.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
I see you point. Thank you for the comment.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
Thank you for the comment. Please note that this is not a newly produced scene. In the new productions we have "pantyhose free" scenes as well.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
Probably in February in the Prime section and March in the download store.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
Both of the girls kept the shoes on.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
We will see... I do hope as well.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
No she didn't.
webmaster (Thursday, December 5, 2019) in reply to:
Gr8 find,
Did she change in dry clothes after the shoot?
Guest (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
And boots too! Lara's sexy boots need a good wash
Tara (Thursday, December 5, 2019)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
I hope thats a hint that we're going to see a lot more jackets getting wet in the next few months :)
Guest (Wednesday, December 4, 2019)
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Thank you for this hunt Mrs. Huntress. It's perfect. I hope Aniko is coming back for another shooting soon ;)
vaulter (Tuesday, December 3, 2019)
This is an awesome website and I came to buy a lot of videos, I even added a few to my cart, but then I see: Most of them are girls wearing pantyhose. Why can't it be bare legs under the jeans? Why does EVERY video have pantyhose? Stop with the pantyhose in every video. Please. :( Because of too much pantyhose, I cannot buy these videos. Sorry. I will wait until there are videos with jeans, stripping and NO PANTYHOSE.
sachajay (Tuesday, December 3, 2019)