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Saturday, July 21, 2012
Maybe she works in a paint shop ;)
webmaster (Saturday, July 21, 2012) in reply to:
Friday, July 20, 2012
Her jacket was nice but there seem to be some paint stains on it.
Steve (Friday, July 20, 2012)
I never thought that I'm gonna see Snow White playing in mud:). It was fun.
Brodiert22 (Friday, July 20, 2012)
Jung, fresh and sexy. This is my kind of entertainment.
LenordPE (Friday, July 20, 2012)
I dare to say that this is Maya's one of the greatest performances. Good job Maya.
WopertL (Friday, July 20, 2012)
Very nice slim body. I like her moves and choice of clothing. Overall a great video.
EdonimP9 (Friday, July 20, 2012)
Yes, it looks a lot of fans live the casual type of clothes in the mud over the fancy office outfits or evening gowns.
Thanks for the feedback.
webmaster (Friday, July 20, 2012) in reply to:
love the outfit
Guest (Friday, July 20, 2012)
Yes, she did remove the boots.
webmaster (Friday, July 20, 2012) in reply to:
did she remove her boots?
Guest (Friday, July 20, 2012)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Only one:
webmaster (Wednesday, July 18, 2012) in reply to:
Do you have any other clips where girls swim with tall Uggs boots on?
Braun (Wednesday, July 18, 2012)
Maya takes her boots off after six minutes. She wears nylon socks.
webmaster (Wednesday, July 18, 2012) in reply to:
You can use the search button to find any updates you like.
in your case I have used "boots" as keyword and then I have filtered only the wet updates using the "Limit Videos" feature.
Here is what we have on the site (that might be ok for you)
webmaster (Wednesday, July 18, 2012) in reply to:
I love it when they leave their boots on or don't remove them until the last few minutes of the video. How long does Maya keep her boots on for? Is she wearing boots, socks and nylons?
Wright (Wednesday, July 18, 2012) in reply to:
She took the boots off after 3 minutes, but she was completely soaked at that point.
webmaster (Wednesday, July 18, 2012) in reply to:
She takes the boots off at 6.00 and she leaves them off for the last 4 minutes of the clip.
webmaster (Wednesday, July 18, 2012) in reply to:
I also love the clothing she wears in the clip. If there were more videos with girls in knee boots & nylons that start off dry and get drenched, I would most certainly be interested in acquiring such clips.
Dunn (Wednesday, July 18, 2012)
How long does she keep her boots on in the video for? Are they on until near the very end?
Dunn (Wednesday, July 18, 2012)
Does she keep her boots on until near the very end of the clip?
Bart (Wednesday, July 18, 2012)