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Monday, April 15, 2013
Thank you for the extra picture, that´s really hot :)
How long are the heels and pantyhose visible ? Did she takes up her dress and remove she her heels ?
John (Monday, April 15, 2013) in reply to:
Hello John, yes she did. But because the dress was very long the heels and pantyhose was only visible when she was sitting down.
webmaster (Monday, April 15, 2013) in reply to:
I have a "before" one for you Steve.
webmaster (Monday, April 15, 2013) in reply to:
Did she wear nylons and heels ?
John (Monday, April 15, 2013)
Can we see pictures such "before/after"? thanks
Steve (Monday, April 15, 2013)
Irma is wearing casual leather boots.
webmaster (Monday, April 15, 2013) in reply to:
Beautiful girl and i love the wet turtleneck sweater. What kind of boots was she wearing?
Guest (Monday, April 15, 2013)
And another picture for the fans.
webmaster (Monday, April 15, 2013)
No, Orsi didn't take off the shoes in this clip.
webmaster (Monday, April 15, 2013) in reply to:
I don't know that. Maybe somebody will recognize the label on them from the pictures I am posting here.
webmaster (Monday, April 15, 2013) in reply to:
Thanks for the feedback JT. Me and my crew will do the best to produce more clips with a story.
webmaster (Monday, April 15, 2013) in reply to:
Sunday, April 14, 2013
What brand is the jeans that she wears?
Guest (Sunday, April 14, 2013)
It's not to often we see a gown like this get wet but this gown looks great on Ginger all wet. It really shows off her nice beautiful curves when it clings to her body. Ginger looks sexy in anything she wears and even better all wet ;)
kiss11 (Sunday, April 14, 2013)
Do we see socks?
Guest (Sunday, April 14, 2013)
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Just like to add, it's fun to see model like Sabina held at gunpoint and being forced into the pool fully clothed. If I were that dealer in the clip, I would be the same way, especially if it happens to be Sabina. Please, more of the clip like this!! It's fun to watch!!!
jt (Saturday, April 13, 2013)
Hello and thank you for the feedback.
You have a valid point BUT we cannot control what the girls are wearing.
webmaster (Saturday, April 13, 2013) in reply to:
Most of them are not online anymore, the rest of them are here.
webmaster (Saturday, April 13, 2013) in reply to:
I like it! Thanks! Finally some messy (not muddy) casual outfit with sneakers!
Barto (Saturday, April 13, 2013)
so, where can i find the rest of the nice wetrom pool videos ?
joker (Saturday, April 13, 2013)
why do all wetlookhunter girls bras ?
this could be so muc niccer wetlook without bras.
Guest (Saturday, April 13, 2013)