
4k + 1080p + 720p
18 minutes
100 (1600x1200 size) high quality


Until now, we couldn't imagine a glass of Coke could get you wet. But we lived to see this miracle and must thank Greta for it.


  • Ohhh my what a update:) She dunk under water? See her panty under skirt and pantyhose:)?

    BENECO (Saturday, March 16, 2024)

    • Thank you for your comment BENECO! She didn't dunk fully underwater, but you can see her panty under water... ;-)

      Lara (Saturday, March 16, 2024)

  • Did she fall into the pool ? If so, it's indeed a miracle x)

    Pagoto (Sunday, March 17, 2024)

    • No, she didn't fall in the pool... sadly :-)

      Lara (Sunday, March 17, 2024)

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